Thursday 8 December 2011

My adventure of the day...!

I love HduVin for so many reasons. It has the best rooms and my studio room for this evening is outstanding!
You know when you walk into a room and it takes your breath away..? Does that ever happen to you? It just happened to me when I walked into my bedroom for tonight.
To say its large is an understatement. I've stayed in some rooms here and I've been disappointed. I'd describe them as compact and bijoux! Like all size issues, it's all about expectations!! I expected to see a regular sized room and this one is huge! It has a giant wardrobe, a big three sweater sofa, a desk, side table, large LK g size bed and room to dance around it!! I'm I'm HduVin heaven!
I'm in the bar right now drinking tea and eating mini mince pies. I've eyed up the cocktail I'd like 'The Sparkling Poinsettia' which includes triple sec snd cranberry juice topped up with Champagne! It's on their Merrily du Vim menu. I love everything about this place. It's the little touches that turn a good hotel into a great one!

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