A whole month of adventures have happened so there's a fair bit of catching up to do! I was thinking about what I'd choose as the highlight. It has to be 'The Thinker'.. I meet some interesting guys but this guy 'Le Penseur' has to be one of the most powerful images I've ever seen. Created out of both marble and cast in bronze, he depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle. The sculpture is nude, as Rodin wanted a heroic figure in the tradition of Michelangelo, to represent intellect as well as poetry. He sits proud on his pedestal in the gardens of the Musee Rodin in Paris. He can be viewed from the road outside and there are over 20 versions of this cast in museums around the world. I have now seen the original - woo hoo!

This guy just impressed me by his sheer size (yep, call me shallow!) he looked like the kinda guy who'd protect me and let's face it, he'd be great at getting rid of those cobwebs! His heart of stone might take a hell of a lot of softening and he's unlikely to keep my toes warm in bed but hey, looking on the bright side, I've got a soft top! I did try to smuggle him out of the gardens of Versailles but sadly, he'd been standing there for so long, he was rooted to the spot!
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