Sunday 9 February 2014

My Baker lunch!

There's a tiny piece of sanity in my world and this is it! A cup of coffee, a tasty light snack and something to read. It's not much to ask really but knowing it's not possible unless I'm at home makes it all the more special. Do you know that feeling you get when your head and heart are simultaneously happy? If you do, you'll know what sanity feels like.

My crazy work/life has taken over 14 hours + of my day, which makes treating myself immensely important. When I leave for work on a Monday, it honestly feels like I'm holding my breath. Nothing is quite the same again until I'm working from home again, which could be 3 days later. I'm up before 6am, in work just after 7am and I'm on the hamster wheel then until at least 4pm, when I'll get into my car, drive home and usually enjoy cooking a meal before I start work again. Honestly, it's no life for a girl like me! But hey, it's the life I've chosen for now so I just need to find how to shift it, twist it, just 5% is all I need to make a difference.

Happy days ;)) x

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