Friday 13 August 2010

And the most spectacular show on earth!

Was the spectacular Perseids meteor shower. The skies were brilliantly clear so me & Lisa put the to down on the car and sat gazing up at the sky. Every minute or two a meteor, or shooting star, swept across the sky. They were very fast and if you were looking in the right place, you could see them very clearly. This phenomenon happens each summer as the Earth's orbit takes it through debris scattered by the taill of Comet Swift-Tuttle. As the particles, each no bigger than a grain of sand, hit the atmosphere at 135,000mph, they burn up, producing trails of light that shoot across the sky. After seeing a brilliant balloon display and some pop, bang fireworks the meteor shower was the highlight of our evening. And of course the dad & child who lit and let go a paper lantern up and across the lake as we sat in the car. It floated serenely up into the air across the lake, across the line of trees and high, high up into the clear night sky until it was just visible as a speck in the dark sky. Then it disappeared and I presume the candle light would burn out and it would fall back to earth in someone's garden and they'll never know where it came from. What an interesting world we live in..

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