Thursday 7 June 2012

12 + 3 = SOR-RY!

I'm having one hell of a week so far! Look at these beautiful roses that I bought to cheer myself up. Did you know that you should always count the number of roses before you give them to someone because every numbers has a different meaning. Here's a well kept secret and one that could save you money next Valentine's Day!

1 rose for love at first sight - you are 'The one'
3 to say 'I love you'
7 to say 'Together forever'
10 to say 'Perfection'
12 to say 'Be mine'
13 is for friendship
15 to say 'I'm sorry'

There were 15 in my bunch so either I'm supposed to say sorry for something or perhaps there's a sorry coming my way! Roll on FRIDAY, at the end of which I will be celebrating with champagne flowing and corks popping - just because I can ;-}

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