Saturday 7 November 2015

Creative space with a plate of food to share

Given that one of the top 10 reasons for being 'me' includes time for some creative space every day, that means I challenge myself to make decisions. I know, I'm my worst enemy! I thrive on deciding 'stuff' in certain sectors of my life which I want to plan down to the tiniest detail, However, life dictates that I also have to make decisions on the less interesting parts of my life, which I definitely don't enjoy doing.

I've worked hard to finely tune my single life. Doesn't everyone do that? I guess, perhaps not, which is why another's need for a partner to share the decision-making is stronger than mine is. When we are asked why we want someone else in our lives, I bet the top answer is never, because I want to share the burden of decision-making! And yet, that is surely a huge benefit to being in a couple. Watching two people share a plate of food makes me envious. Simple pleasures, but hugely beneficial for our emotional well being. That's what I crave.


Friday 6 November 2015

Living the dream


It's 24 degrees inside and 0.3 degrees outside this morning. There's a layer of crisp white frost on the roofs and lawn but we're very toasty indoors. The heat from the huge indoor fire radiates out through the house 24/7. It's far hotter than anything I'd have at home but it's the norm here. Sleeping with the window open means the bedroom stays cooler during the night, although the downside is that night noises are so much louder. The tractor, coming down the lane late last night sounded like it was coming through the window. It was so loud! The dogs start barking when the papers are delivered at 4:30am, then comes the voices heard at the bus stop and the bus at 5:30am. The clock chimes at 6am and that pattern is repeated every single day. Hungarians go to bed early and they're up at 5am so what do they care? Life in rural Hungary, even so close to the main tourist 'sea' of Lake Balaton, continues as it has done for many years. Signs of sky dishes, telephone masts are the only sign that technology may have invaded village life. There's an older generation that live here in the villages who live a frugal, simple life and they hold dear their traditions, their festivals, their recipes and their catholic roots. That's the Hungary I want to visit.


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Decisions downtime!

Hurrah, this holiday is time for some decision downtime. I know I love controlling my life and making decisions around it but I do wish I didn't have to do all of it, all of the time. Decision-making fills my every waking hour, as well as some hours of darkness when I don't sleep. Of course, making decisions is a fact of life. The amount of decisions we all make depends on how many 'significant others' influence us on a daily basis. I have worked hard to sharpen my decision-making pencil to deal with more and more as I've grown older. But I don't like the volume of decisions that lie in wait for me every single day. Being your own primary carer is blooming hard work! Given that I'm single and live on my own, the percentage of decisions I make is going to be higher I'd say than someone in a relationship, or living with family. That's why being on holiday with my wonderful family is just so great!



A dose of vitamin D!

Who'd have guessed it? Lashings of gorgeous sunshine again today. This is just what I need. Nothing too hot, a gentle 15 degrees and warm enough to sit outside on the terrace. I love a holiday as much as the next girl and it's especially lovely to visit family for a holiday. Apart from booking the flights, parking and buying a few gifts, I've done little else. Staying with family is lush! It's a chance to be together again and each time I do it, the dynamics change. I think it's because my life is, I'll admit, quite structured but it lacks any kind of routine. Weird sounding, I know and some of that needs to change. What's nicer than becoming absorbed back into family life for a few days, experiencing someone else's life and joining in with the good bits. Suffice to say, in the case of the Szabós, there are no bad bits!



A slice of Hungarian life

Is it day 3 already? Tuesday 3rd November and I'm standing in Greg's garden in Vászoly. I've set up my standing desk (a stool stood on the table!) which is a bit cutting edge for the Hungarians. It's an cosy 15 degrees here and the sun is so hot, both myself and Mom are in shirt sleeves. There's not a cloud in the sky, just the faint sounds of the village people and a local bus driving past the village. I like a slice of life like this, rural and peaceful. In touch with family but not suffocated by them. In control but with consideration.

Everything about Greg & Rachael's 'Good life' here is appealing. The clearly defined seasons and the lack of unseasonal food, which means they buy it when it's at its best, in season! The allotment, which in less than two years is already delivering fresh produce which will keep their larder stocked up this winter. If you had to choose a lifestyle, you'd be hard pressed to find fault with this one! Admittedly, if you enjoy shopping and need to drive to Bristol to work, the location has its challenges. And the tinternet is rubbish! But being unconnected has a certain freedom, a charm that has to be good for the soul. I like this life a lot!