Monday 6 July 2009

Scoop & Save!

Cucumber without seeds is like a cupcake without sprinkles. Don’t you ever wonder what they do with all the seeds they scoop out? Are they packaged up and sent to a seed farm to be grown into more cucumbers? Is there a cucumber shortage I don’t know about, which is why suddenly my salads are seedless? It all started with a plate of tomato salad. I glanced down and every one of the seeds had gone missing. Strange behaviour I thought because a lot of the flavour is in the seeds and fleshy bits inside the tomato. Then it happened again, next day but this time with my cucumber salad. I searched high and low under my leaves but no, my cucumber slices were definitely naked and seedless ;-(
Then I had a thought… perhaps the seed companies are in cahoots with the restaurant owners? We are in a recession after all! Perhaps they are selling seeds to make ends meet, though clearly not the ends of my cucumber! And, if you're puzzled as to how a cucumber gets to be heart or star shaped, wonder no more! You can apparently buy a mould to put around your cucumber when it's just a baby so it grows into this shape. So, now you know!

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