Thursday 30 July 2009

Thursday night is music night... !

Lisa and I went to our 'new best pub' which is our little secret. The food is reasonable and it's a great place to chill and enjoy listening to whatever the local group is this week. The guy who runs the pub described this week's act as 'A guy who sings to Karaoke' - sounds hideous - but actually, he was so much better than that. He could have passed for an Eagles cover band all by himself! Me and Lisa had fun and she got chatted up - woo hoo! We did think 'Dave the upside down teeshirt man' (you had to be there!) who I'd have to say was completely in awe of Lisa, either through nervousness or maybe he's like that all the time, might lose her number as it was scribbled on a paper napkin. We both thought he'd either leave it on the bar or he'd put his jeans in the washer and forget it was in his pocket. How little faith we have in the male population, mmm! 'Dave the daring' has exceeded even our expectations, got in touch with Lisa and I'm now on tender hooks waiting to see what happens next!

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