Sunday 26 July 2009

With wings the span of a jumbo jet...

Of course, it has to be the Angel of the North! Created by Antony Gormley and standing on a hill overlooking the A1, it's become an icon for the north east. I think everyone would admit, it's not pretty, it is however a powerful symbol so deserves a snap as we were driving along the A1. Here's a quote from Darren Richardson which more or less, sums up what the angel means to the north east "As a designer I will always remember the Angel as a vehicle of change that allowed us to show the creative industries exactly what the North East has to offer." I would admit that I've never spent much time in the north east, which is why I decided to stay over in Newcastle. I was overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people and the amount of free art and culture available - I will be back!

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