Sunday 7 February 2010

The BIG sleep

Sometimes, there's no rhyme nor reason as to why we can or can't sleep. Yesterday morning I was awake and kicking my heels at 5:30am because I couldn't sleep any longer. This morning I was woken up by a text at 8:30am after the biggest night's sleep for simply ages. I've always envied people, usually men, who say their head just hits the pillow and they sleep soundly until the morning. I'm not a cat napper nor a power napper, I'm just a regular, cappuccino kinda night owl. My nights are very much like my days. Sometimes frantic, fast and free-falling and other times, more measured, calm and controlled. Every other part of me is resting when i sleep apart, I guess, from my brain. Otherwise, what's the point of sleep? The only reason to sleep is to recharge our batteries. So why don't I sleep better, when I'm more frantic? Often when I'm at work I'm 'busy' but not as 'active' as I might be during at weekend, or when I'm on holiday. My mind is crazy busy at work and although I do use that old fashioned form of communication called speaking, rather than emailing my colleagues, I'd have to admit that it's much more active than the rest of me! I don't have 'body challenging' job like a fisherman or a traffic warden. Most days it's my brain that gets the workout! If I imagined each day as a race between my body and mind, I know which one would win! The image of my brain being the 'hare' and my body the 'tortoise' isn't a pleasant one and on that note, I'm off for a run... into the shower!

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