Friday 2 April 2010

Motto for the day...

"Don't eat when you're surfing!"

How many times have you made a meal, sat down and the next time you looked, the plate was empty? It's a common problem in a world where we're so used to multi-tasking we do it when we eat. My mind is whirring ten to the dozen, my body is trying to catch up after my early start and flights yesterday and my stomach is telling me to eat. I have so much I want to do this weekend. I want to catch up with friends and family, do some crafting, do some sewing, shopping, eat chocolate and blog of course!

I am having a lazy morning and I am sure I cut enough fruit to have half today and half tomorrow. Somewhere between picking up the bowl and surfing the net, the entire contents of the bowl has disappeared! Unless I wish to be the size of a small island by the end of the Easter weekend, I need to heed my own warning :) particularly when it comes to chocolate. Perhaps the motto should be...
"Enjoy one thing at a time" :))))))))

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