Thursday 1 April 2010

Today's must-haves...

Some things are worth waiting for! I've been putting off buying my favourite perfume convincing myself that I should use the perfume I have instead. I know it's nice, I know it's different but it's not my favourite. I love variety and it's great to have different perfumes to wear for different reasons but I have an all time favourite and I've really missed it. Perhaps it's good sometimes to miss something? It can make you realise just how much you want it back in your life... :) Today, I found the hour that I lost last weekend so I spent it in duty free. I had a very early start. 4:30am to be precise tho I was awake at 4, which always happens when you know you have a flight to catch! My plane was leaving just after 7am and I've never been so happy to have paid the extra £3 something to get fly-thru past security. I had an inkling it would be a useful thing to do on Maundy Thursday - I must be psychic! I must say that Bristol airport is more often than not a pleasant experience. I rock up, park my car and it's a hop, skip and a jump up 3 flights of steps to the main concourse. Easy peasy...
Today I arrived to find the queue was not only extending outside the security area but all the way down the stairs and across the main concourse. "Any more passengers for Alicante?" Of course, fly-thru gave me the option to jump the entire queue, hurrah, how smug did I feel?! That of course meant that I found myself lounging around in the brilliant new bumper sized duty free area I was feeling very proud of my new purchases until I remembered that I was flying in and out the same day with only hand luggage.. doh! It dawned on me that the new liquid regs meant I wouldn't be able to bring my duty free home.. grrr! I mused, pondered and had a brainwave whilst I was at CC's. I removed all the packaging and hey presto, it all fit into my little plastic bag so I could bring it home...phew!

The rest of my Thursday adventure was reasonably uneventful. My meeting went brilliantly - 5 hours of wall to wall inspiration in a room packed with cards and crafting ideas. Sara is an absolute star! To create the entire contents of a magazine in a day is no mean feat. But we managed it and even found time to fit in a moderately sized Chinese banquet before I left to go back to the airport. The flight back was quiet and goodness only knows how I managed to sit right in the centre of the plane by one of the emergency exit doors! I guess everyone else was avoiding them and I just forgot they were there and just sat right down beside one. It was a relief to me and no doubt to all the other passengers that my services weren't required!

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