Today, I'm worth £40 an hour, woo hoo because that's what I'd have to had paid to have the flat professionally cleaned. Six hours of solid cleaning with only an egg custard and a few tiny shortbread biscuits to keep me going. I had help though thank goodness. I scrubbed the bathroom from top to bottom with the aid of my electric toothbrush! It was a godsend for getting into all those little crevices and yes, before you ask, I did replace the head before I used it again.
Best bit of the day was looking through Alastair Sawday's book to find somewhere to eat on the way home. Who would have thought that there would be any gems within 1 mile of the motorway, let alone near Slough! We were running late so I chose the closest pub to the London end of the M4. Somewhere that served tasty food but not too posh to welcome two rather unkempt and not so sweet smelling guests. I'd managed to remember to bring another teeshirt to change into. Nick didn't. I can thoroughly recommend The Ostrich at Colnbrook.It's the 3rd oldest inn in England (allegedly!) and it's fab. The menu was more exciting than the usual and the food delicious and beautifully presented. It did get a bit hot in the bar but it had been a hot day and I'd been beavering away at dirt and grime for most of it.
A wander up to the loos and I came face to face with an oversized Ostrich at the top of the stairs. It's behind glass thankfully and very stuffed!
Here's a quote from wiki about Colnbrook and the Ostrich Inn... relieved we didn't stay the night now!
Mentioned in William the Conqueror's Domesday Book, Colnbrook is on the Colne Brook, a tributary to the river Colne, hence Colnbrook.[1] Coaching inns were the village's main industry. In 1106 the first one was founded by Milo Crispin, named The Hospice (now the Ostrich Inn). By 1577 Colnbrook had no fewer than ten coaching inns. Colnbrook's High Street was on the main London to Bath road and turn off point for Windsor and was used as a resting point for travellers.
One 17th century landlord, Jarman of the Ostrich Inn, installed a large trap door under the bed in the best bedroom located immediately above the inn's kitchen. The bed was fixed to the trap door and the mattress securely attached to the bedstead, so that when two retaining iron pins were removed from below in the small hours of the morning, the sleeping guest was neatly decanted into a boiling cauldron. In this way more than 60 of his richer guests were murdered silently and with no bloodshed. Their bodies were then disposed of in the Colne River. The murder of a wealthy clothier, Olde Cole, or Thomas of Reading, proved to be Jarman's undoing, in that they failed to get rid of Cole's horse, leading to their confessing. Jarman and his wife were hanged for robbery and murder.[2][3][4]The inn is reportedly haunted and has been subject to investigations by the Sussex Paranormal Research Group and Most Haunted.[5]
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
What £250 buys you..
Friday, 25 June 2010
When in Rome...

ps hello to everyone who knows me :) love you all xx
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Our day in Florence!

"Where's Florence?' said Zebedee!
"It's less than an hour and a half away from Cortona" said the conductor on the train."
At last the sun is shining. We've dressed for a day's wandering around a city that I've always wanted to visit. We began our journey in Camicia where we caught the 10:35 train to Firenze. Not forgetting to get our tickets punched on the platform. Its a 50euro fine if you don't! Italian trains are far more comfortable than British ones. We had our own little glass compartment with 6 seats as we travelled through glorious Italian scenery to the wonderful city of Firenze known as Florence to us.
It's a 10 minute walk through the busy streets to get to the Duomo, Florences magnificent cathedral. The view will take your breath away! Every inch is decorated with murals & statues and the surrounding area is of course buzzing with tourists from every country in the world.
We could only stand & marvel at the sheer size & detail on every surface. We decided not to Q but return later.
Our walk took us to one of the most famous sights in Florence., Ponte Vecchio bridge. It spans the gently flowing river like a giant street. The bridge itself is packed with jewellers waiting to sell rings & pretty trinkets to romantics. Who wouldn't want a piece of Italian jewellery from such a stunningly gorgeous world famous landmark?!
We wandered the markets & quieter side streets in search of a place to eat lunch & found a gem of a restaurant, again! Yesterday we found one in wet Cortona which served a wonderful Caprese salad. Today I had homemade lasagne & a fresh insalata mista. On the way there me & Ginger fell in love with the same shoes! The boutique had only 2 pairs of White Dorothy shoes, one in Ginger's size & the other in mine! She may pinch my clothes from time to time, well quite often actually, but we can't swop shoes. So we had to buy them & are now the proud owners of new White Dorothy shoes :)
Our aftenoon was shorter having spent far too long enjoying lunch the Italian way but we did make it into the. Duomo. I lit a candle for the good health of my family & friends & was left wondering why the inside was so empty & a little uninteresting. The inside of the beautiful dome was hidden from view behind barriers. And the booming voice calling time & time again for silence wasn't very welcoming! I know every individual will experience something unique to them. Myself, I can marvel at the architecture, the brlliance of the designers & enjoy the beauty of the building. Spiritually, it lacked anything to move me.
We're back on the train now heading for Campuccia. Our heads are full of wonder, our feet are a little tired & our tummies are full of ice-cream!
Sunday, 20 June 2010

Girls on Tour!
Have you ever been to Rome? Have you wandered the streets, walked around a corner & discovered the magnificent Trevi fountain? It's an amazing sight! It feels as if someone decided they wanted something a little more exciting than a balcony or a patio on the front of their Roman villa & when someone suggested a fountain, they thought, Yeah, but lets not mess about, i dont want no ordinary Tom, Dick or Harry fountain! I want the fountain of all fountains!! Nothing can prepare you for the imense size of this amazing piece of architecture. As a statue, it would be incredible. As a fountain, it's unbelievable!
I'm away on an adventure in Italy. Flying into Rome then taking the Firenze train down to Cortona. It's a 3hr journey & you are in no doubt that you're in Italy. The trees, the hillside towns, the red roofs, the blue sky mean we're in Tuscany.
We left Rome in glorious sunshine & althogh it was sunny when we arrived, the clouds gathered & it wasn't long before the heavens opened & it began to rain. No matter though because some of us bought crafting goodies to play with! I'm cutting pretty letters from patterned paper, Ginger is making felt flower cards & Gwyneth is doing a card kit.
We're staying in part of an enormous old farmhouse. It's set in gorgeous Italian countryside overlooking the hillside town of Cortona. I'm the lucky one with the double bed all to myself! It's very homely, typically Italian & makes a great base for us girls on tour.
Last night we went to the supermarket to purchase local fare & dined on fresh pasta carbonara, fresh fruit custard tart & peach bellinnis! Oh how we suffer!!
Today is Father's Day, I'm in Italy, moms at home & dads in hospital. Did your geography teacher ever teach you about love? Me thinks not & you know why? Because Love has nothing to do with geography. Before I left for Italy I made my wonderful dad a card to let him know I'm thinking about him today & remind him how much I love him every day.
"Get well soon dad & I'll see you when I get home :)"
Me & Ginger are crafting whilst the other 3 are watching a film. It's pouring down outsidec so we cancelled our trip this afternoon to Cortona. It will still be there tomorrow when the sun has returned!
Thursday, 17 June 2010
If I live closer to Italy than my friends in Manchester.. Do I have to leave before than? ! I'm sitting in my room in a Turkish run Old Country House' hotel near Gatwick looking forward to 4 1/2 hours sleep, woo hoo! Dad, I'm sure you won't have wifi in your hospital bed. Get well soon & if you're reading this, you'll be home again which means you've beaten the bug, hurrah! I hope mom has told you my sore eyes car story. The BMW guys like a bit of detective work! I told them, I'm not your usual customer!
Italy, here I come...! X
Italy, here I come...! X
Sunday, 13 June 2010
I just made a cake..

And yes, when you fold the card in half my lovely strawberry cake disappears inside :)
Saturday, 12 June 2010
I'm loving my new camera...

Thursday, 10 June 2010
Thinking about friends..
Dinner with KN, the chip monster, is always entertaining. He always has a story to tell and I've missed his little tales. We met at the Winchcombe sausage pub and spent the evening putting the world to rights and catching up on our busy lives. He makes me smile and has now turned into the sausage and mash monster!
I love my friends. I find I think about them a lot more than I ever get chance to see them. It's the lovely part of having such great friends that I can connect with them when i haven't seen them for a long while. Those are the true friendships that are meant to last. Friends who count the days and punish you for every day you've not been in touch are not true friends. The ones that really count will love you whether you spoke to them yesterday or this time last year. As KN says, life is about timing. Some people come into my life and scuttle out again. Others stick around just to annoy me, then leave. The special ones come into my life for a reason. Hopefully, they'll be sticking around for a long time to come. After all, friends are the family you choose for yourself :)
I love my friends. I find I think about them a lot more than I ever get chance to see them. It's the lovely part of having such great friends that I can connect with them when i haven't seen them for a long while. Those are the true friendships that are meant to last. Friends who count the days and punish you for every day you've not been in touch are not true friends. The ones that really count will love you whether you spoke to them yesterday or this time last year. As KN says, life is about timing. Some people come into my life and scuttle out again. Others stick around just to annoy me, then leave. The special ones come into my life for a reason. Hopefully, they'll be sticking around for a long time to come. After all, friends are the family you choose for yourself :)
One happy motoring bunny!
Monday, 7 June 2010
What £37.50 buys you...

Sunday, 6 June 2010
Anna does... digging!

Friday, 4 June 2010
Just cover me in paper and I'll be happy!
As long as it's not wallpaper, paper mache or Andrex! I mean scrapping paper and lots of it.. :))))
First task of the morning today was to go and collect my post. I knew exactly what it was though the chappie at the depot did give me palpitations at one point when he tried to give me a random, scanky, little parcel.
"That can't be it" I said "I know it has to come in a 12 x 12 inch box!" I'm not sure what he thought but in the end he found my lovely 12 x 12 inch parcel, I signed a silly electronic thing that made my signature completely unrecognisable and off I went.
There are few things that give me as much pleasure as newly patterned paper. Yes, I know it's irrational but we all have our little ways. At least I admit to mine! Next weekend is Derbyshire scrapping time and this time I'm going well prepared. I have sent my photographs to the printers, I have had lots of yummy papers delivered so all I need now is some divine inspiration... and a bottle or two of bubbly of course!
Here's a sneak preview of what I'm wibbling on about.. :)

They have such wonderful names as October Afternoon, Delovely - delicious and delectable, Sweet Summertime - raspberry delight and happy spots, Scooter's Vacation - Ruffin' it and We're out of here and one of my favourites Cherry Delicious. You see, they sound good enough to eat, don't they!
First task of the morning today was to go and collect my post. I knew exactly what it was though the chappie at the depot did give me palpitations at one point when he tried to give me a random, scanky, little parcel.
"That can't be it" I said "I know it has to come in a 12 x 12 inch box!" I'm not sure what he thought but in the end he found my lovely 12 x 12 inch parcel, I signed a silly electronic thing that made my signature completely unrecognisable and off I went.
There are few things that give me as much pleasure as newly patterned paper. Yes, I know it's irrational but we all have our little ways. At least I admit to mine! Next weekend is Derbyshire scrapping time and this time I'm going well prepared. I have sent my photographs to the printers, I have had lots of yummy papers delivered so all I need now is some divine inspiration... and a bottle or two of bubbly of course!
Here's a sneak preview of what I'm wibbling on about.. :)

Thursday, 3 June 2010
La Vie en Bleu

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