Friday 4 June 2010

Just cover me in paper and I'll be happy!

As long as it's not wallpaper, paper mache or Andrex! I mean scrapping paper and lots of it.. :))))

First task of the morning today was to go and collect my post. I knew exactly what it was though the chappie at the depot did give me palpitations at one point when he tried to give me a random, scanky, little parcel.

"That can't be it" I said "I know it has to come in a 12 x 12 inch box!" I'm not sure what he thought but in the end he found my lovely 12 x 12 inch parcel, I signed a silly electronic thing that made my signature completely unrecognisable and off I went.

There are few things that give me as much pleasure as newly patterned paper. Yes, I know it's irrational but we all have our little ways. At least I admit to mine! Next weekend is Derbyshire scrapping time and this time I'm going well prepared. I have sent my photographs to the printers, I have had lots of yummy papers delivered so all I need now is some divine inspiration... and a bottle or two of bubbly of course!

Here's a sneak preview of what I'm wibbling on about.. :)

They have such wonderful names as October Afternoon, Delovely - delicious and delectable, Sweet Summertime - raspberry delight and happy spots, Scooter's Vacation - Ruffin' it and We're out of here and one of my favourites Cherry Delicious. You see, they sound good enough to eat, don't they!

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