Friday 8 July 2011

A chilling cucumber...

Today I am required to take on the persona of a chilling cucumber! Life, and by that I mean work, has been exceptionally busy for me - I need to look for a bigger word than that! There are so many analogies from climbing vast mountains to fighting battles but I don't need a big stick or a set of crampons, just a little moment or two to myself.
I know my limits. I'm like a big sponge at times that completely absorbs the stress and nonsense that's thrown at me. No one knows, no one sees but me. It won't affect my mood so you won't know and I'm extremely good at managing and juggling my workload. Truly, I could win an award for spinning plates!
Some of my biggest challenges are goals that I set for myself. I want to do more, I have a strong desire to succeed and be the best. And, I need to do all that with a smile on my face. Today, I'm like a phone that's lost its charge. I need someone to leave me in a corner plugged into the wall so that I can slowly come back to life. A little bit of tlc and some chocolate can go a long way :)
Nothing is quite that simple but the good bit is that I know myself well enough to understand when I need a recharge.
p.s. If only I had some Pimms to go with my cucumber persona!

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