Tuesday 26 July 2011

Coffee cake kisses

There's something very yummy about a home baked coffee cake. As you can see, I tried Nigel Slater's recipe and loved it though I didn't eat it all, honest! I got his recipe just by typing "Nigel Slater coffee and walnut cake" into beloved google and it's a sponge that actually improved and became more moist on the second day after it was baked. I rarely follow a recipe exactly so I substituted the cream filling for a coffee buttercream and added a coffee, icing sugar and water glaze over the top and sprinkled chopped walnuts over the top. I have to say that Nigel Slater never disappoints me and I love the way his recipes speak just as he does in a very laid back, wholesome way :) I wrapped my lovely creation in greaseproof paper and stored it in an airtight tin though the nuts kept falling off which ended up as a real bonus for anyone who was going to finish off the last couple of slices. I'm lucky enough to have one with glass in the lid so I can see how much I have left! ps there's none left now, not even a coffee crumb!

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