Monday 11 July 2011

Who turned the taps on?!

 My lovely swans could be forgiven for thinking that someone 'up there' had turned on the taps this weekend! One minute it was sunshine and the next, it was pouring down. All this talk about the weather brings out the cynic in me and I'm never or rarely cynical about anything. But weather-talk does seem to hit a nerve and I know exactly why - and forgive me for not explaining. You'd have to have known me a long time to understand why that is! I am constantly amused by other people's obsession with weather. Whenever I have the misfortune to tune into a weather report they almost always predict a bit of everything - "It's going to be sunny spells wherever you live in the morning with light rain during the afternoon"... you don't say?!
My lovely lake was transformed into a swirling whirlpool inbetween of course, those sunny spells. If I had a magic wand, I'd wave it at the weather people and wish for... mmm, I don't know because weather shouldn't be predictable. I'm just glad I'm not a weather person because there can't be much job satisfaction in telling everyone the sun is going to shine when it pours down with rain all day - ha ha!
"Queuing for dinner and there's no point standing up when sitting down is more comfortable"
Congratulations to Mummy Sz! She quite rightly spotted that this photo was taken "pre-foxy-supper" because there are 7, not 6 cygnets in this pic. I wonder which one.. nah, it's best not to think about it. Today I can see Mummy swan swimming across the lake with her 6 little ones. Soon dad will be rocking up to teach them to fly.. that's always a fun few weeks!

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