Friday 7 October 2011

Inspired by Art London in Chelsea

I love visiting art fairs and meeting up with old friends from the galleries so I got very excited when I discovered that the London Art Fair was on at the same time as Liz & J's wedding - woo hoo! I've seen some of the art before but there were one or two special gems in the show. Not least, one or two tiny Lowry sketches that I'd have liked to own, but were well beyond my budget. My most favourite painting in the entire exhibition was this one by Beatrice Ridley, called Red Orchard. The striking red pompom trees stopped me in my tracks and it's the only painting that I can't stop thinking about and have wished for since I was there. It reminds me of a mammoth pointillism exercise I undertook when I was at school/college. I had decided to paint a 3ft square canvas using this technique and not surprisingly, it took me the whole of the summer to finish. For some reason that I can't recall, I chose to reproduce a piece of oriental carpet. I was very proud of it and although it wasn't the most inspirational piece I'd ever done, it taught me a lot - mainly patience, ha ha!

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