Saturday 28 July 2007

Day 9...

I met James today... he came round and managed to connect a hose up to the spring that runs in his garden. The good news is that I now have water just outside the house.. woo hoo! Okay, it's brown and a bit sludgy, so I'm not going to drink it. It just means I don't have to keep driving down to the 'waterhole' to fill up bottles. It feels like I'm in a foreign country and everytime I go to fill up with water I meet someone down there. Perhaps I should put a couple of chairs down there so we can sit and chat? Or, take a bottle of something stronger next time... ! I also went to the gym this morning to have a shower. Water has never felt so good!

I've been rumaging today. I contacted a group and hope to donate a lot of my furniture to flood victims before I move. I have so much stuff and I just want it all gone. New move, new start, new sofas! I never realised just how many books I have too. And bearing in mind that I never reread a novel, I've boxed these up to go to the British Red Cross Bookshop. I've saved just the special books that for some reason or other mean something to me. Made me smile finding things that I'd forgotton these past two years. I think I'm making a little dent on all my stash. Hope so!

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