Friday 6 July 2007

What a week that was?! Deja Vu...

It feels like I'm climbing a wall and getting stuck before I get the chance to peer over the top and see what's out there. I caught the end of a short story on the radio this morning. There were two wolves fighting, one kind, positive and friendly, the other jealous, miserable and negative. Asked which one won, the storyteller said "The one you feed'... how true is that?! Positive thoughts generate more positive thoughts, going around muttering under my breath won't change a thing. Meg Ryan got it right in 'You've got mail' and yes, the thoughts are the same, and it isn't my fault. Thank goodness I kept my diaries. Fate plays strange tricks and I could never have known that a train journey 4 years ago would be so important! Woo hoo spooky!

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