Wednesday 4 July 2007


Why is it so difficult to get a job done? Liz should have had a sparkly new fridge freezer and washer installed into the apartment today. That would have been too easy! Added to the fiasco yesterday with the doors, then she is so not a happy bunny. The good news is that they did come yesterday and replace the interior doors that didn't fit. The bad news is that when Liz closed her bedroom door, she couldn't get it open again! No clothes, no bed, no fun sleeping on a sofa bed in the lounge with a blanket that thankfully she'd left in the spare room! Tonight the fridge freezer, which is large enough for her to get inside, is so close to the unit that she can't open the door... and they haven't put the plug in the socket correctly so it won't work. And they haven't connected up the washer because they failed to see the bright orange connector that Liz left in the enormous gap where the washer needs to go, and they left without installing it. Oh how I love being a landlady... not!

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