Monday 27 August 2007

The end is in sight...

Well the back of the garage is... and what a great sight that is! Only those who have been lucky enough to squeeze into my garage will know what I'm taking about. Today I have finally managed to open every box, crawl behind every piece of furniture and sweep every cobweb out of the way to reveal what was hidden underneath. It's incredible what possessions you accumulate in a chapter, or two. I couldn't even say it was a lifetime because it isn't. Why do I need all this stuff? The answer is that I don't. I need what I use every day and those other possessions that are too precious to let go of. I have a pile of boxes for the Red Cross man when he comes, a pile for me to take to the apartment. A few things I'm still unsure about and a pile for the skip! It's a great weight off my mind that at least I feel I'm getting somewhere. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer... x

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