Tuesday 28 August 2007

Recycle smiles...

I've found the best way to get rid of 'stuff' and that's to offer it to other people who want it. Makes so much sense really. All these things were worth something to me once, but now they are just things. If I can put a smile on someone's face by giving them something I no longer need then I'm happy, and they are certainly very happy. A guy came last week with his little boy to pick up a few things, and for some reason I remembered him. He took a recorder, which he said his wife wanted because she's a music teacher and the small snooker table for his son. I mailed him to ask if he wanted another recorder that I had found at the back of the garage, plus the triangle and snooker balls to go with 'his' table. He came again today with his little boy and took all the things I'd put on my list and he was delighted. He asked me if I painted minis, which amused me. It's all in a name... I'm miniartgirl on the recycling website x

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