Friday 23 November 2007

Look out...

My life is a laugh a minute, (and that's a girly minute, not a blokey one!) I made a mistake, it's not a heron up that tree, nor a hawk but another bird, a kite! Wow... it's got a tail and flaps a lot and it used to be tied to a small child! Doh! It's amazing how clear life becomes with a pair of binos. I've bought this tiny pair with a bit in the middle you can twiddle and a perfect size for my handbag! I have this vision of me peering into someone's window down here and finding a guy staring back at me. I'm astonished you don't need a license for them... ! They'll be great to take to the races for totty spotting and who knows, I may even use them to look at the birds! Well, any red-blooded male would so why can't I?! x

1 comment:

Ginger Claire said...

Giggle - getting to know the wildlife!!