Monday 10 March 2008

In need of a hug...

I was having a huggable, lovable kinda day... trees... buildings... parents.. every single one of them had a hug! If you could only wrap a hug and post it in an envelope... put a smile on my face doing my hug thing and I'm sure anyone who may have been watching would have been annamused too!
As you can see, it's contagious too... dad was doing it! It might be a bit mad but it's fun and it's good to be a bit mad at times... ;-) x and for those of you who are wondering, I'm not bringing the dear old tree home with me.. I'm just marveling at the time it's stood there just growing and the things it's seen in all its years... and they say I'm old! Who said that...? Go on, give them a hug... x

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