Wednesday 11 June 2008

Bath piggies

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed in Bath! Here, artist Al Greenall takes delivery of one of 100 model pigs ready to be decorated as part of a public art scheme.
Three thousand years ago, King Bladad found the healing spa waters of the city of Bath when he was out walking his pigs! This year they are celebrating by creating 100 pigs which are scattered across the city and all sponsored by individuals and businesses. They will all be auctioned later in the year to raise money for various projects, one being to boost funds for a cycle path between Bath and Bristol. If there's any left it will pay for a statue to toast this fine King. They have certainly added swine colour to the city!

1 comment:

GlitteryKatie said...

Oooh love that blingy piiig!!!