Sunday 8 June 2008

Flaming June

It's sweet, sunny June and so far it's living up to it's name of 'Flaming June'. It's been such a busy week with my work/life balance going right out of the window! Possibly why I was in bed just after 11 last night and woke up close on 9am. I've also slept through the night more than once in the past week which is unheard of. Perhaps I'm starting to hibernate?!

It's more likely that my body clock is catching up after a bad nights sleep on Thursday evening after my long day in Kent. I'm not used to anyone being unkind to me but hey, I was there to do my job. I can pretend it doesn't matter but it was personal to me. I hate it when people say it's not personal. That's a Meg Ryan "You've Got Mail" quote, which is very apt. Finding myself in the position where I am not me, but just an employee, is very unfamiliar territory for me. The experience has taught me a great deal.

Today's a sleepy, catch up day because I'm off to my champagne night tonight, woo hoo, I can't wait...!

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