Tuesday 21 October 2008

A is for Alumni...

Alumni... that's my word of the week... ! These are my 18th birthday pictures! They are not brilliant quality, but it's not the quality of the pics that count, it's the quality of the friendships. Inspired by my Alumni experiences last week, I went in search of old school friends and found a box of slides. Here are the great, the good and the hilarious!

Want a hair cut?! Paul Kenyon and the lovely Helen.. still together after all these years!

Time to scoff a few more sausage rolls and vol-a-vents!

Whoever was in charge of blowing up the balloons had a sense of humour!

My little sib, Marie with her mother-in-law.. Aunty Pat!

I never realised that Gordon and Robert came to my 18th.. yes, that Robert, my ex husband! Yes, children, look at those sideburns... yikes!!

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