Saturday 25 October 2008

Oo La La.. every girl's dream..

I have found a fabulous shop, or did it find me? I know there's something very American about sitting in a coffee shop with a very large cappuccino, a piece of carrot and banana cake and great friends. Though, it was as if we'd never left because 12 hours before I'd been next door to Morans drinking coffee. This Saturday morning felt different. It felt like the start of a great adventure. I began at the artshop where I bought the finest watercolour paper for my course. I knew exactly what I wanted. There are so many wonderful shops to choose from in the Montpellier area of Cheltenham. I found a wonderful bookshop which stocks only cookery books. Then wandered into the most amazing new jewellery shop. Kate the owner, put my coat and my bag behind the counter so I could browse. I was in bling heaven. Bags, necklaces, bracelets, watches and rings and I must have tried on half the store. I was having so much fun.

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