If there was a good thing about being ill it is discovering the value of time. It's a myth to believe that filling up your diary is the best way to make every moment count. Packing more into your life just means time flies by faster. When you're in a hurry, hours fly by like seconds. When I'm that busy, I feel under pressure and that's when I struggle to remember the special moments. That's a mistake because they are the very reasons why I put myself under so much pressure. I sometimes get the feeling I'm going to miss out if I don't take up an offer or go on an adventure but living life to the full isn't about filling time. Who, after all, wants their life to fly by. The best way to make life slow down is to step out of your routine and create a little space in which to drift. That's what holidays are for. That's what has happened to me this week though I haven't engineered it. I have had little energy or inclination to do much and I know I'm not well when I don't want to craft! No moment is ever wasted though, and although I've done a lot of sleeping, I have managed to enjoy all four episodes of Emma on iplayer, I have watched some of my overdue lovefilm dvds, I have done a fair bit of surfing and waited patiently for my flu bug to leave. Time is precious and that's why it's important not to waste it but doing nothing can sometimes be a very good thing.
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