Monday, 31 May 2010
Thea Gilmore

Wild goose chase or was it really tea and carrot cake..?

Saturday, 29 May 2010
The safest place for swans to sleep

Just like Julie and Julia before her...

It's the first time I've ever used buttermilk. It's an odd consistency, similar to yoghurt really and not a bit like milk. It's supposed to make them lighter and fortunately, I had remembered to buy some earlier when I was shopping.
This recipe came from a recipe book Nick bought me, Rachel Allen Home Cooking, which is a lovely book to browse on a rainy Saturday morning! It's packed with practical recipes that use good basic ingredients with none of the weird stuff that you often find in recipe books. I'm not a daytime tv guru so hadn't heard of Rachel until I received this book as a present for my birthday. She's an Irish cook, tv presenter, author, newspaper columnist and does something I love. She always writes a quirky standfirst to describe the recipe and what it can do for me. How it will make me feel or what time of the year the recipe is best for. It's a great way to make me feel included in the book and is more likely to make me try something I've not attempted before.
Anyway, back to my 12 little rhubarb muffins which have now become 10. They have turned out well and although not like those I can buy, they are still worth a six and a half out of ten :)

Anyway, back to my 12 little rhubarb muffins which have now become 10. They have turned out well and although not like those I can buy, they are still worth a six and a half out of ten :)
ps it's Saturday morning and the score has just gone up to an 8! True - day old rhubarb muffins are better than fresh ones straight from the oven !!
Friday, 28 May 2010
Did you know..?

Thursday, 27 May 2010
Do peanuts taste better one at a time?
Do whole ones taste better than halves? The question of the day is.. how do you eat your nuts?! Do you rip off the corner & eat a few at a time? Are you a whole nut lover, leaving the halves & broken nuts till last? Maybe you never even look, preferring to tip them straight down your throat from the packet!
I have to admit I fall into the 'whole nut first' then shovel them in group! I'm a little more refined in that I will tip them into my hand but once I've eaten all the whole ones, it's every half for itself when it comes to eating the rest of the bag! Such is my dilemma whillst sitting on a train back from London :) I've come to the conclusion that more nuts mean more flavour. Whole ones are the most satisfying but in the absence of any more whole ones, quantity is the next best thing for taste & flavour. Next time you're bored on a train, try it!
I have to admit I fall into the 'whole nut first' then shovel them in group! I'm a little more refined in that I will tip them into my hand but once I've eaten all the whole ones, it's every half for itself when it comes to eating the rest of the bag! Such is my dilemma whillst sitting on a train back from London :) I've come to the conclusion that more nuts mean more flavour. Whole ones are the most satisfying but in the absence of any more whole ones, quantity is the next best thing for taste & flavour. Next time you're bored on a train, try it!
Ballet Rambert extraordinaire
I love the experience of going to the theatre no matter what I'm going to see. Sadler's Wells is the home of Ballet Rambert & as such, myself & Liz has high expectations of the performance. We weren't disappointed!
We were treated to three very different ballets, the second being the most experimental. Of course, Liz is pretty aufait with all things Rambert, having studied them at Thomas T. I am like the new girl at school, having seen them a few times now & I admit that sometimes I love them & other times, I'm completely lost & baffled. I liken the feeling to going into a modern art gallery. Sometimes I'm in awe & loving the experience. Other times I just don't get it! Ballet Rambert can be like that for me.
My favourite of the three was the third & final ballet. Sadler's Wells has two series of Ballet Rambert ever year, the first being in May, the second in November. It's very cutting edge contemporary dance which is always thought provoking, always fresh and always executed to perfection. Like anything truly modern and unique, there are moments of sheer brilliance coupled with moments when you're not quite sure whether you love it or hate it. It's a form of English ballet that challenges your mind every second and gives you the chance to question what you truly enjoy about dance and ballet.
We were treated to three very different ballets, the second being the most experimental. Of course, Liz is pretty aufait with all things Rambert, having studied them at Thomas T. I am like the new girl at school, having seen them a few times now & I admit that sometimes I love them & other times, I'm completely lost & baffled. I liken the feeling to going into a modern art gallery. Sometimes I'm in awe & loving the experience. Other times I just don't get it! Ballet Rambert can be like that for me.
My favourite of the three was the third & final ballet. Sadler's Wells has two series of Ballet Rambert ever year, the first being in May, the second in November. It's very cutting edge contemporary dance which is always thought provoking, always fresh and always executed to perfection. Like anything truly modern and unique, there are moments of sheer brilliance coupled with moments when you're not quite sure whether you love it or hate it. It's a form of English ballet that challenges your mind every second and gives you the chance to question what you truly enjoy about dance and ballet.
Rambert typically leaves the show-stopping performance until the end. The final dance, Itzik Galili's A Linha Curva was jaw-droppingly good with dramatic energy, beating drums, voices, touches of humour & involved more dancers than we'd seen all evening. It was the highlight of my night. It's samba-inspired music, great lighting, heavy-duty percussion leaves you wanting to see more from the 28 athletic style dancers who pump limbs on the stage with breath-taking energy. It was definitely my favourite of the might.
Not surprisingly, Liz enjoyed the second dance and the most challenging performance of the evening. I love pretty & elegant, she loves interesting & unusual. No surprises there really. In complete contrast to "A Linha Curve", Mark Cunningham's "Rainforest" uses an electronic score with very large reflective silver pillows by Andy Warhol floating around on stage. I admit, I spent more time watching the silver pillows and wondering how they managed to stay up, than watching the dancers, (though, I didn't admit that to Liz!) When one floated off the stage and up towards the roof, I'm pretty sure my head wasn't the only one slowly tilting backwards to look skywards! I'm happy because it was Liz's favourite, what more can I say.
The 3rd dance, performed first, was Olivier Award-winning "The Art of Touch". It was light and airy with fast footwork played out to witty little sonatas making it easy to watch and very enjoyable.
Monday, 24 May 2010
More Hobnobbing..

Tonight's celebrity guests were none other than Sir Ian Botham and Bob Willis, two of the greatest cricketing ledgends of our time. As sporting hero's go, you don't get much better than these two. I reckon we were on the best table. We'd never met before yet we got on like the proverbial house on fire. BM&W is the Botham, Meryill & Willis wine label. Challenged by Bavarian Motor Works, (can't imagine why!) Botham suggested that he'd promise not to make cars if they would promise not to make wine. That seemed to settle the argument :)
Dinner was delicious, the company was entertaining and it was a TOP evening. Nick was in awe of his hero and I was voted the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. (I made that bit up!)
Sunday, 23 May 2010
I'm a woodland walker.. honest!

The Castle of Comfort... !

Turns out Mr N played an Ace yet again. It was a great deal, the place was lovely, the family who own it couldn't have been more welcoming so it was all in all, a great decision. I do love my little adventures.. :)
Saturday, 22 May 2010
The man himself... Rolf Harris

At 80 years young, Rolf Harris is remARTable. He is touring with his new book so we saw him last night at the Whitewalls headquarters in Lichfield. There was a massive exhibition of his art with originals, prints and canvases for sale. Plus of course, his new book for £55! I'm not a massive fan of his art though there are a few gems. I am however, a big fan of him. He's a sparky character at 80 and his 'Rolf on Art' series was one of the most popular on tv. His portrait of the Queen was voted in the top 3 most favourite paintings of her. I didn't get to speak to him because the queue was as massive as the exhibition. But I was there.. honest!
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Grrrr...brum... and rolf, rolf..!
The challenges continue and I feel intrigued. Why now... why all together and WHY ME?! In my Pollyanna existence there's always something to feel glad about. I've just had to work harder to find them. I know that I have created a relatively stress-free life with little opportunity for the usual hassle that fills other people's lives on a daily basis. Of course, I've worked hard to make my life that way. I recognise what causes me the most stress and those are the things I have put into my '100% well-managed' folder.
When something goes wrong in my life I need help, we all do. But not the kind of help I've got this week. Naming names then Auto Windscreens have managed to create more hassle & more stress during the past few weeks than any company in the last 3 years. They have been added to my quite short but 'never-touch-again' black list, the other 2 being Currys and BT, which actually stands for 'Blooming Terrible!' Poor service is inexcusable. Their inability for departments to speak to each other is a symptom of bad communication which for a company like BT is ironic. Everyone I've spoken to has tried to solve my problem, they've all been polite but have failed. The 'sum of the people' achieved nothing apart from winding me up, costing me time & phone calls. The stupid part is that it's cost them time and phone calls too and I know exactly whose bill that will end up on when I come to renew my car insurance.
Anyway, I'm not ranting because I know that the only person that will affect is me. I live in hope that sometime soon my chip will become a new windscreen though I won't be holding my breath..!!
When something goes wrong in my life I need help, we all do. But not the kind of help I've got this week. Naming names then Auto Windscreens have managed to create more hassle & more stress during the past few weeks than any company in the last 3 years. They have been added to my quite short but 'never-touch-again' black list, the other 2 being Currys and BT, which actually stands for 'Blooming Terrible!' Poor service is inexcusable. Their inability for departments to speak to each other is a symptom of bad communication which for a company like BT is ironic. Everyone I've spoken to has tried to solve my problem, they've all been polite but have failed. The 'sum of the people' achieved nothing apart from winding me up, costing me time & phone calls. The stupid part is that it's cost them time and phone calls too and I know exactly whose bill that will end up on when I come to renew my car insurance.
Anyway, I'm not ranting because I know that the only person that will affect is me. I live in hope that sometime soon my chip will become a new windscreen though I won't be holding my breath..!!
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
It's another week on and I feel... challenged!! Why do things that never normally happen.. happen all on the same day! In the past week I've experienced some very strange and unusual feelings.. such as feeling unwell, being poked and prodded in hospital, losing half an hour, being let down, being hit by a roe deer, having a cup of tea with the truckers, getting that feeling that something is conspiring against what i've planned for the day, being messed about and just left wondering what is going on in my world... ?!
If you've ever tried to get your windscreen replaced you'll begin to have some sympathy with me from this moment onwards. It's been a total nightmare. Call after call, promises that are broken, a no-show, excuses and at that moment when the man arrives with my new windscreen, that feeling of bIg disappointment when it's the wrong size windscreen. After over three weeks of trying to get this sorted, I think the glass is starting to clear. A solution has been found, hu-blooming-rah!
Sunday was a lovely day. Lisa had been looking after me following my tussle with some very weird camera angles. She brought me home and we did what we do best.. chatted and put the world to rights. Well, that's what I thought at least. In the evening, Nick drove us to a country pub for something to eat. I was starving... again! On the way home, he unfortunately had a tussle with a roe deer. £3000 worth of damage later, his car has been towed away, mine still has a chipped windscreen so to say we're both having car issues, would be the undeerstatement of the year!
Today, I thought my life might be calmer. I headed for the office where I would leave my little car for the day. I was going to be driven to a meeting at Highcliffe, Dorset. You know that sinking feeling you get when you hear a traffic report on the radio and realise you're heading for a long wait in a long queue on a very boring motorway! You listen intently to hear which junction is affected, then your heart sinks. Not only was the motorway closed but every other perishing road for miles was chocka block with traffic. But help and sanity were close at hand. I stopped to make a phone call and realised that I was opposite the 'Snack Box' cafe
I usually wizz on by but not today. I skirted across the road in my office attire much to the amusement of the truckers who'd just pulled up. I shyly (ok, perhaps not so shyly!) suggested I was a bit overdressed but I was told, I was always welcome.. oh, what a surprise! Did you know they serve tea in mugs, (yes none of that tea in a paper cup rubbish) for the grand total of 70p! After all, how much does 1 teabag and a splash of milk cost. I sat in the sunshine waiting for my call. A bit delayed because my lift had thrown hot chocolate down her office attire so had had to go and buy a new top before setting off to meet me! I did get up to leave but was offered another cuppa so I sat a while longer offering directions to poor, lost van drivers. I have been instructed to call in tomorrow morning for a cuppa. After all, he'll be there at 6am.. mmm, I'm pretty sure it's not for my 70p!
Lunch was a yummy seafood and cheese pancake at Pebble Beach restaurant overlooking the beach. It reminded me to put things into perspective. Whilst the little things in my life appear to be going haywire right now, they are after all.. little things. I can still think of lots of great reasons to feel 'GLAD'.. ;)
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Time to celebrate...
A new dawn.. david.. and sam..

Finally, we have it.. a new government and a new Prime Minister. Out with the brown, blancmange phase and in with something completely different, more colourful and no doubt enormously challenging. I love change. Change is positive and requires imagination, innovation and determination. I also love our simple British ways. Brown leaves number 10, goes to visit the Queen, tells her he's fed up and wants to leave. Meanwhile, his successor, David Cameron, is already on the road on his way to see the Queen. She invites him in, offers him a cuppa and tells him her news. He snaps up the job, goes back to number 10 which has miraculously been vacated by the red team so he steps inside and there you have it.
A happy ending..? We'll have to wait and see. The other good news is that blue + yellow = green :)
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