Saturday 29 May 2010

The safest place for swans to sleep

I woke this morning to find mom & dad swans kipping on our side of the lake. Mom was awake first with her brood of three cygnets popping up from between her feathers into the bracing wind of a blustery Saturday morning. It's such a pleasure to see a family of swans on the lake again. Up until last week, I was convinced we'd missed our chance this year. The nest must be out of sight on the other side of the lake and now the youngsters are old enough, mom & dad must feel it's safe enough to venture out with their new family in tow.
Dad decided he wasn't quite sure what the chunk of metal was but he'd give it a good pecking anyway. No doubt trying to scrape the squashed insects off the back of Jeremy's porche. Mom got tired of waiting around. Her brood of 3 always follow her so off they went on a route-march back to the top of the bank.
There was no hanging about waiting for dad to arrive. It was straight into the water for a morning dip and a swim back over to the other side of the lake.

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