Monday 24 May 2010

More Hobnobbing..

Take 1 HDV + 2 cricketers + 1 wine expert, in the shape of an oh so slightly inebriated Geoff Merrill, and you have a brilliant evening of entertainment ahead.
Tonight's celebrity guests were none other than Sir Ian Botham and Bob Willis, two of the greatest cricketing ledgends of our time. As sporting hero's go, you don't get much better than these two. I reckon we were on the best table. We'd never met before yet we got on like the proverbial house on fire. BM&W is the Botham, Meryill & Willis wine label. Challenged by Bavarian Motor Works, (can't imagine why!) Botham suggested that he'd promise not to make cars if they would promise not to make wine. That seemed to settle the argument :)
Dinner was delicious, the company was entertaining and it was a TOP evening. Nick was in awe of his hero and I was voted the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. (I made that bit up!)

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