Monday 15 September 2008

My life is... one big cappuccino!

Oh what a lovely, lazy weekend. Plenty of 'me' time and just doing those jobs I rarely have time for. I took my little Min to Tescos. Why? To get it handwashed.. lovely. I went shopping with Tash. We had such a brilliant day and finished it off at the wine bar. I sat outside Hobbs with my cappuccino and a muffin watching the world go by before wandering along to the ironmongers to buy screws. btw, my mouse has gone walkabout, hence why this is more difficult to write. I hung one of my wonderful pictures that has been sitting in the hall for what must be over 2 months. Why is it such a challenge to do such things? I drove into Chelts on Sunday, sat in La Scala with my grilled hullumi cheese salad and another cappuccino! My life is just one big cappuccino!

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