Sunday 21 June 2009

Black cats ballet at the charity ball

Woo hoo, they don't call them black cats for nothing! Tonight was the round table charity ball at Lake Cerney. Fab hotel, great neighbours for company so it all just ticked over as expected. Lots of couples, us 3 girls doing that single dancing thing - again. I considered myself lucky being on a table of 9, 7 of them women and yet I still managed to get the seat between the two men ;-) and guess who won the bottle of cherry brandy?!
I was even asked to do that thing that they do on the shopping channels where the girl holds the thing that they're trying to get you to buy. In this case it was a coin up for auction, and my prancing about managed to get the price up over £50! Around midnight I'd got a bit tired of all the couples so went out into the bar to find the Black Cats Helicopter display team. Alison was straight in, well it would have been rude not to... talk to them! So myself, Alison and Christine managed to persuade them to come onto the dance floor to liven things up. They were so cute and so polite and considering one minute their serving in Iraq and the next, here with a pair of Westland Lynx helicopters at Kemble air show for their aerial ballet display, sounds like a pretty varied job! Us girls know how to party, hey! ;-) x

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