Wednesday 15 September 2010

The james Bond room

Our lovely villa had the most amazing room which you could get to using a spiral staircase from the top lounge. It was like stepping back in time with shelves packed with old music cassettes, and old cassette player which worked, books, games and a chess set - more on that to follow! It wasn't a room we used much because we spent most of the time out on the terrace because even in the late evening, the temperature was still in the early/mid twenties. I called it the James Bond room because it looked as if could have been taken straight out of one of the 007 movies. Sadly, I didn't find Daniel Craig loitering there either.. and I did go back to check more than once.. ! What I did find though were the lizards.. which I grew to respect and although I wasn't keen on them being there when I was asleep at night, it was their home first and they do eat all the nasty bugs - hurrah to that!

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