Sunday 5 September 2010

Yesterday was a 'Going out' day.. and today is one for 'Staying in'...

Who shrunk the night then?! Mine only lasted just over 5 hours so either someone changed the clocks or I went to bed really, really late - 3am rings a bell! Opened the curtains to horrible weather outside today so decided it was the perfect day to stay in and craft. Ginger had cards to make and I still had some work to do. How much more... !! I do think I'm being tested. I just get to a point when I think I've almost finished - just like a champion jockey reaching the final hurdle - when someone changes the course and all of a sudden you have to go around the course one more time! After a few hours untangling some sewing patterns, I got onto the serious bit of the day - making a thank you card using some oddments of card I've had sitting here for a while. Two hours later and one card made - it was time for lunch - more salad! We finally decided to go and get milk around 5pm before settling down to some carbonara, my fav food for quick-eats. It was yummy and I was kinda hoping that I'd made enough for tomorrow too. I didn't bank on someone scoffing the lot - it must be all the stepping she's been doing. Ginger's nearly worn a hole in my floor with her stepping on the spot! She makes cards about as fast as she can eat pasta! In my defence, she does make cards almost every day of her life. My cardmaking is currently a bit like my book reading - very slow and repetitive. It takes me as long to get back into it as the time it takes me to complete a card or page of my book. I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey though and although I've worked more than I'd have liked to have done this weekend, it's still been a great weekend. Ginger ROCKS!

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