Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012 and a slice of SZABO rock...

I make no apologies for the fact that I'm dedicating the very first post of 2012 to my mom and dad. My dad has made it into 2012 - only just! The stubborn old 'so and so', that we know and love so dearly, has rallied enough to still be giving us all palpitations and tearful smiles into this brand new year.

I know it seems odd to say Happy New Year when the start of the year will inevitably be a sad one but that’s what my dad would want. It’s going to be a challenging start to 2012 but we’re a strong family and we know how to pull together and support each other through the tough times. My mum and dad have given their three offspring so much to be thankful for, not least some great fashion sense in headgear! I'm always the Pollyanna of the family and play the glad game just like Mr Kipling, exceedingly well. The past few months have given us all the opportunity to play the glad game and although we've all had misty eyes, and more from time to time, we can still laugh and that’s such a relief.

We’ve always had a lot of laughs as a family and however tough life and it's passing might be right now, we won’t feel guilty for taking time out to smile about the good times and laugh our loud about the crazy ones. Learning, accepting the changes put in front of us and adapting to those changes has been the key to our coping mechanism right now. It's the precious oil that is making us keep working and living when the landscape around us is changing.

"Great loves mean great losses" is a phrase I keep using. Sadly, I've had a few of those but none like this one. I try to learn from every situation I put myself in or find I'm in through the actions of others. I learnt a while ago that when I truly love someone, it's not easy to let go. They may move on but my love remains the same. It may fade in time but I find it comforting to have lost loves. Strange as it may sound, it feels right to know that I have the capability to love deeply and strongly and I'd rather love with all my heart and lose that love, than live a mediocre life.

I love my mom and dad to bits (shouldn't we all!) and the great thing for me is that this doesn’t have to change. My wonderful dad has had enough influence on my life for that to continue, certainly while I still live and breathe! He’s here with me now and always will be. I know the love we have for each other is unconditional so it doesn’t matter whether we see each other once a day, twice a week or once in 5 years – we know we’re loved and that’s what binds the Szabo family together. If you sliced me in half then just like a stick of rock you’d find SZABO LOVE hand written, “Always your best handwriting” dad would say, and I’m exceedingly glad about that!

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