Monday 23 January 2012

My Syrupy SPIRIT!

I can quite honestly say that this morning I was 'beside myself!' I have looked it up and apparently the ancients used to believe that the soul and the body could part and that under great emotional stress the soul would actually leave the body. When this happened a person was said to be 'beside himself'. So there it is... it's a fact and an uncomfortable one at that! Right now, the very fabric of my past and present life has been pulled from beneath me and I don't like it. My future is incomplete without my father but like my mother and the rest of my lovely family, we have to deal with the loss in the best way we can :(
Talking of cans... my father was renowned for buying anything useful, including tins of fruit from the pound shop. Bless him, he could never resist a bargain - my mother has a shed, a garage and a house full of bargains! I was completely at a loose end today unable to concentrate on anything, so I decided I should clear out a kitchen cupboard to make space for my lovely baking goodies. Then at least I could feel I've achieved something!
I moved just the first few items, something I do often and realised they were sitting in a pool of liquid, a syrupy liquid. It had very little odour so at first I couldn't work out what it was. I had to take everything out of the cupboard before I discovered where the leak was coming from. Right in the corner at the back was one of Dad's big cans of apricots! It has to have been there for perhaps 2 years and has been perfectly okay. I know, I don't eat apricots very often and I don't get to the back of my kitchen cupboards very often either. But, ready to burst it had obviously sprung a leak which I'd say has happened in the past 24 hours. My Father works in mysterious ways :) Father, dear father, you may be gone but you've left us with plenty of reminders to ensure that you're not forgotton!! x

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