Sunday 15 January 2012

This week's busy and highly emotional A to Z

A is for Acts 2:1 When the day of Pentecost was fully come (a great family saying), amazing friends and family, my father ‘The Alien’ and here’s to planning more adventures in 2012!
B is for the beautiful voice of 14-year old Birdy, a bright new future and one of my parents favourite tunes, ‘Bring me sunshine’
C is for car problems (it was only a stuck stick!), the biggest Christmas present I think I’ve ever had (thanks R&J for my fabulous 7’ bamboo plant!), cherishing the memories and coffee at motorway services :)
D is for daring to believe this isn’t the end, driving the wheels off my car and sleep deprivation!
E is for EIGHTYSEVEN wonderful years of my dad
F is for freedom, family and facing up to life, which means learning, accepting and adjusting to every single experience, good and bad
G is for a lovely Ginger visit, ‘Great loves {mean} Great losses’, Greg’s pickle (we all now know it was Rachael’s!), setting new goals and John Grisham’s ‘The Summons”
H is for happy memories, Hungarian Lecho, big hugs and what will be a Happy 2012!
I is for impeccable timing
J is for January, a painful month but still a better one that December
K is for my new Killers cd Day & Age
L is for losing my mojo, letting go, my little brother’s birthday and unconditional love x
M is for Miklós, the father I love and my amazing mother, without whom none of us would be here!
N is for new Hobbs dress, NO black and red nail polish!
O is for overcoming our fears and believing that everything happens for a reason
P is for “Pull yourself together”, proud to be Szabó and sodding plumbing problems!
Q is for quiet
R is for relief, rejoice, reality and wonderful rays of glorious sunshine
S is for special friends, my surprise parcel from ‘Smile, I am not another bill’, strong family ties and smiling through the tears
T is for being thankful and Tim, Tim the property man (yet again!) :)
U is for understanding all this
V is for vicars, I see none for years then two appear within 5 minutes!
W is for wavelengths that work in a way we’ll never understand
X, Y and Z are again just my impossible letters
And that concludes the week that was, thank you! X

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