Thursday 4 October 2007

the best BB!

How can something so lovely be so bad for you? Now, there's a question! And, do I care? Not enough to resist this wonderful bread & butter pud. It was almost 3pm by the time I made it to Hobbs and I'd had nothing else but a mere smiggen of watermelon for my brekie.

Today I am 'solar-anna' because the sunshine makes me very lively and so happy I could sing. In fact I did, a lot, much to the amusement of passers by. I'm still enjoying Mika Penniman! Happy people always make me smile and that's how I like it. My apartment is being painted today by a very pretty german girl. She's finishing off all those quirky little paint jobs and tomorrow the guy is coming to fill my cracks! Yikes, good job I'm going out... xx

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