Saturday 13 October 2007

My must-have shopping...

I love weekends, they are just for chilling and doing what I fanci. That includes watching the ducks, drinking tea and driving my mini over the common to buy more scrapping goodies. I took my camera and snapped some photographs for a feature for QC. I got into conversation with a girl who said she lived just north of Chelts, I said I'd recently moved from there and it turns out that Kirsty is a friend of Linda. She asked me if I had been to Linda's birthday party?! She had seen my scrapbook and put 2+2 together. How spooky cool is that?! She was there helping her daughter and one of her school friends to make mini books and she seems like such a nice lady. She showed me a quicker route going the back way to Chelts which sounds really useful. I think we'll be in touch again, which is great news. I also managed to buy a bit of scrapping stuff... over £100 worth of yummy papers, loads more card and all the bits I NEED, scandalous or what!! X

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