Friday 16 January 2009


all quiet on the blogging front... but that doesn't mean that I'm quiet! I have a lot to shout about at the moment, not least the fact that my little fishy - I'm calling him Mr C Bass - and no, I didn't catch him personally - is heading for a very hot, steamy bath tonight! Why do fish have to have beady eyes and scary tails? Thankfully, I'll only be able to see one beady eye staring at me when I cook him! He was looking forward to being barbecued and to be honest, if the balcony had been finished, I'd have cooked him on the barbie outside tonight! But, of course, the planners have said a 'Big Fat No' to my proposal for an extension! Oh dear, oven-baked it is then!

Back later with more fishy tales! x

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