Monday 26 January 2009

Today I met Paris Hilton...!

Well, not quite met, but I did see her and take her photograph. She'd arrived at the show to sign scrapbook papers. I'm sure she just saw it as another event and had no real idea what was going on. She was however very polite, very grown up and stunningly pretty. She's not old enough, nor stylish enough to be beautiful, but she was eye catching and smiled a lot. I got her photo.. woo hoo! It took me a while to work my way up the queue of people. I have lots of photos of the back of other people's heads, cameras and even ears and bald heads!I managed to get to the front right in front of her body guard. He got in the way a bit, as you'll see by my photos, but in the end patience won over my tired feet and I got the photo I was hoping for. More to come on that one.. x

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