Saturday 1 September 2012

Eton Dorney Adventures

Eton Dorney, Eton Dorney, Eton Dorney... don't you think there's something about the name? I watched some of the Olympics and it was somewhere I wanted to visit but until Fi & Rob came to visit, I hadn't imagined I'd ever get there!

I'm the lucky ticket finder as far as my friends are concerned. I managed to get Olympic Wimbledon tickets in the draw last year and got 4 tickets to the Paralympic athletics on my phone whilst I was away with Mom in Wales! So although everyone else was staggered when I logged on, searched for Eton Downey tickets and declared that I'd managed to get 3 for Saturday 1st Sept, it was just a normal, lucky day for me.

Ellie was safely dispatched in the care of Lisa's Mom & Dad so the three of us could go on this crazy Olympic adventure. It was a very early start at 5am but every minute of the day was just brilliant. Even the cloudy weather didn't dampen our spirits - how could it? If I imagined that the Olympic athletes were brilliant then the Paralympic athletes are even more exceptional.

Spot Fido & Rob?!

Oh the games makers... cheery, happy, smiley, welcoming, friendly, respectful, understanding.. I could go on. These high chairs were the perfect platform for people who have a lot to say for themselves and we loved every single one of them!
Here I am with just two of the many wonderful volunteers who made the games so special. If we could bottle their spirit, we could make the world a much better place.

Fabulous Fi and me...

Where are we..?!

Here we are at the end of this wonderful day at Eton Dorney. We all had a brilliant time, saw lots of great rowers and created wonderful memories that we'll never forget!

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