Monday 6 April 2009

Just so...

You know that apprehensive feeling you can get before you go to the dentist? Oh, I know that feeling. Today was the start of my new front teeth day and yes, I know it's not Christmas! I wonder if there's anyone out there who enjoys going to the dentist? It's not that I don't like it but the experience could be greatly improved by a set of headphones and a nose clip! I had injections, impressions and a whole lot of drilling. The worst part was the smell of burning from the drilling, the noise and the vibration, the cold water running down the back of my neck and a very numb nose - but hey, it's just a small part of a much bigger plan. I also went to the lab this afternoon so they could colour match my new teeth to just the right shade of porcelain. How cool is that?! In two weeks time I'll have my new ones and in the meantime, I have bunny teeth! All I can say is thank goodness it's Easter... !

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