Wednesday 1 April 2009

Extreme sports.. rice diving.. !

Being attacked in one's own kitchen by a packet of Tilda rice, roasted pepper and courgette flavour darlings, is a bit shocking. Particularly when it tries to dive head first into my cup of freshly made hot tea. There clearly wasn't enough room in the cup for both the tea and the packet of rice so guess what... the rice got it's way and the cup tipped over.. all over my tummy! OUCH! I've never stripped off so fast in my own kitchen. Well, mmm, back in 2005... ;-) I'm only joking! I sat with an ice-pack on my stomach for 2 hours until the towel it was wrapped in had icicles on it. I have scorched my tummy (it's ok mom) but I do wonder what's next! I was only thinking at the weekend...

Life can be tedious when it's predictable so Sunday was a day of change. I went to the supermarket, filled my basket with new adventures which were going to challenge my tedious little taste buds. I knew it was a mistake, but hey, once I get an idea into my head then there's no stopping me! I never usually buy rice in a packet. I don't eat rice very often at all. But I managed to come home with two packets which ended up in the cupboard. The moral of this story is... don't feel guilty for having shopping habits and the next time I decide to add something to my kitchen cupboards, I'll make sure I've taken the wings off it first!

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