Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Having a lemsip duvet day...

Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Saturday, 24 October 2009
My feet are aching... !

Edinburgh Rocks!
Jen knows all the best places! It would have been rude to stay in on a Friday night so we headed for cocktails. The first was scored a disappointing 3 out of 10 with very sub standard cocktails, Jo said she had a mouldy raspberry in hers! Didn't stop her getting to the bottom tho! Next bar was supremely better & I happily swopped my prossecco for her apple, cinnamon & cream martini, yummy! It was one of those moments when you can't resist cleaning the glass with your little finger, who me, mmm! So round 3 & I had to have another because I just wasn't sure how much I liked it! Next bar was a cosy, funky, dancing bar which was my favourite - time for a glass of water! We all got home to bed by 1 tho someone a bit worse for wear!
Friday, 23 October 2009
Just had a haggis moment!
We've just been Into a Scottish eatery to sample the local fare. I'd try anything off the menu as long as it came with whiskey gravy, yum! I didn't know you could have veggie haggis until today. No idea what it as made of but it tasted yummy on a bed of mash & turnips. Had to follow that with crannach which is porridge, cream, raspberries & guess what... Whiskey! It did feel as if I was following lunch with breakfast & the oaty texture is a bit weird but it tasted yummy! Just got to the apartment which is on the Royal Mile so the girls are deciding what adventures we can go n whilst were here. So far, it's all ghost tours, underground tunnels with lots of stairs & graveyard tours! Me thinks not! Drizzling here so were doing people watching & someone will be nominated to pop over the road in a minute to visit Oddbins!
Just 'ONE' spa is all you need...

I've spent the morning at One-Spa in Edinburgh & I can thoroughly recommend it - it's amazing!! The stainless steel roof top jacuzzi pool that's heated to 37 degrees is... Awesome! Everyone is friendly & helpful, even my 4am start seems a distant memory. Every girl should be pampered & I feel thoroughly chilled & a tad sleepy now it's all over. Ginger & the girls are heading over to find me so I don't get lost trying to find the apartment we've rented for the weekend. I'm just relaxing with my beery juice smoothie which I'd have to admit, resembles a glass of liquid mud, mmm, nice!
Why aren't they still in bed?!
What's the matter with everyone? Can't they sleep?! I thought, a quiet start this morning at the airport, but no! It's not even 6am & the place is heaving with people! I know half term begins today & there's a recession which must explain why the cheap flight destinations are packed with holidaymakers. It feels like August Bank holiday here!
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Me and the little ones..
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
More appeele-ing than apple crumble.. !

Sunday, 18 October 2009
My travelling craftspace...

Appreciating the simple life...

Just good friends and crafting, what else could I possible need? Went to bed at 2:30am just because I thought I should. I tossed and turned for a while thinking I was going to fall out of bed. I'm sure the bed doesn't slope to one side but at that time in the morning it's so much harder to rationalise about it. I did wake up with a jolt this morning, leapt out of bed, played the 'guess if there's someone in the shower' game before I remembered that breakfast wasn't going to be until 9am, phew..
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Little crimbo boxes..

More dates and no coconut... !

Friday, 16 October 2009
Prosecco won tonight..

Thursday, 15 October 2009
J j j james.. the new bond 008 ;-)

Grasshopper on tour.. !

So, it's a date for my next grasshopper adventure! Not the kind of date you'd expect me to be on, but one of those squishy kind that I'm not that fond of. I'm willing to give it a go though, for two reasons. Firstly, I love coconut and are willing to overlook any undesirables to sample the infamous coconut porridge. Secondly, I realised a while ago that my most favourite veggie indian take-away does in fact, have dates in it! It's surprising how a creamy, coconut sauce can dramatically change the flavour of the humble date. So, although it's not date Monday tomorrow, I'm looking forward to a fruit & nut adventure for my breakfast.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
I've found a new BF

My new BF, grasshopper porridge, is 'tastefully' packaged and makes you feel there's only something really good for you inside. These little porridge pots are made by a small company, in fact two sisters who used to pot up their own mix of oats because they couldn't find anything good and convenient to eat. One sister in Cornwall wanted something to eat after a chilly morning's sailing. The other sister in London wanted something hot to eat without frequenting a chain of shops whose name ends in 'bucks'. Three years on and they have a proper little company and it's what they both do full time.

And their little website is fun, featuring pics of their little pots on adventures all around the world. Must dash, I have to hop along to Waitrose to seek out these little pots of organic sunshine.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Just sometimes...

I got off the train last night at some ridiculous hour and the first thing I saw was a low loader. And no, it wasn't parked because the head lights were beaming across the car park and the engine was running. I'd already started to think about what I was going to say as I tripped across the car park, still I might add in the wrong shoes (I want to know who shrunk them whilst I was away?!) as I got alongside. Phew.. big phew.. and double big phew! It wasn't my car but a rusty old trailer that he was strapping onto the back. Not out of the woods yet I thought but over the first hurdle. So I began the walk of wonder, surreptitiously strolling across the car park towards my car. It was like the Cheltenham Gold Cup. Three weary commuters making a bee line for our cars and little me wondering if I was going to be the one with a golden ticket! Thankfully, the guy in front found his car before me so we didn't have to share the experience. And when I reached my car, checking quickly that no bits of paper were tucked under my windscreen, I breathed a big, fat sigh of relief. I can't quite believe I may have been rescued by the sensible parking police. After all, I did call and pay for 2 days parking as soon as I realised. It just wasn't the same 2 days that I was there! They say it's the thought that counts and I'm thinking nice, happy parking thoughts at the moment.. ;-)
Thursday, 8 October 2009
I love my life.. and Dave, so it seems..

Yes, I know I've said that before but hey, it's true. No matter how much my feet might ache tonight, I've had a lovely week so far and that's all that matters. I was on Ginger-time all weekend and that was great. Closely followed by some London-time, which is always different, exciting, tiring and surprising. It was pouring with rain when I left home yesterday evening, bound for Art London VIP evening preview. First impressions were good, very nice venue at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, though it was such a pity that it was raining. It would have been great to see the sculptures dotted about in the gardens and I just had to settle for a glimpse as I rushed from the taxi to the entrance under my umbrella. The taxi ride was as eventful as ever. I do find taxi drivers see so much of life that they are interesting to chat to. My chappie was full of stories of politicians who are not as discreet as they should be, enough said! Anyway back to the fair and my artistic wander.
First of all, it seemed odd not to have a catalogue to find my way around. It's a bit of a maze trying to find my favourite galleries but challenge for today was to go hunting so I took my glass of champers and weaved my way around the stands. Lots to see, lots of visitors so lots of weaving to be done!
A visit to an exhibition wouldn't be complete without catching up with the lovely Richard from Mauger Modern (nice legs, btw!) and I managed to seek him out, no problem. I saw a preview of 'There's Still Life' when I visited his gallery in Bath a couple of weeks ago. I do love the Dave White (of sneaker art fame) Pop Art pieces, having seen some of his work at Scope earlier in the year. They are very striking and the paint has the quality of whipped cream, which makes these glamour pics all the more appealing! I love the thickness of the paint and the raw, energy of these happy pieces.

I also managed to find Nick from the Woolff Gallery and it was so lovely to see the girls, Susila and Grace too. I haven't seen Grace since last year and she remembered me! Nick had managed to get hold of a Zac Freeman - OMG, what a brilliant piece of art that is. I should have taken a pic (doh!) but I got so excited about all the art that I forgot which is why I've found 'Dave' off the artist's website to illustrate what I'm going on about.

All Zac's pieces are created using found objects. I've seen the portraits online and they all look dynamic, sharp, monochrome with great texture. It's only when you get close that you notice a phone, buttons, bits of video and realise that the portrait is made up of pieces of junk. I think they're amazing and I'd have to sell a chunk of my house to own one. Having said that, they must take him a long while to create so perhaps I should just start saving right now! I think I'm in love with 'Dave'.. ! Other notable favourite was the Tatler stand. Celebrating it's 300th anniversary, there was a brilliant display of covers from the year 1709 to the present day. I was surprised that Diana didn't make it onto the wall of fame especially as the infamous 'Miss Piggy' did!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Today is SOW

The rotton spam is removed automatically so I'm going to ignore that chunk. If I remove the mails that are not from real people, & by that I mean the computer generated ones such as newsletters, that's another big chunk. Then take out the ones from within the building at work who are either copying me in or have lost their legs. That leaves me with the really useful ones that have information in that I want to act on and stuff for sharing. There are a few hidden gems from external clients, which is where new business may come from & that just leaves one from my mom!
So I'm left wondering, how do we manage our 'inbox. It wasn't a subject on the national curriculum when I was at school because the only teccie bit of kit was the less than impressive slide rule! Is someone now going to invent a whizzy email priorities system so we don't have to work it out for ourselves? It's a serious question because as our inboxes get fuller, does production increase or decrease? I have an organized mind so I'm more than capable of working out what is important & what is not. I'm also very good at standing back & not getting sucked into cyberspace. I acknowledge how important emails are for communication but unlike letters that didn't shout 'open me'.. emails have a habit of willing you to open them! I remember a time when we didn't have an email address. Now everyone has a website, more than one email account and there is no escape. We're available 24/7 on our phones which means we have to be even more diligent about maintaining a balance between drowning in emails and keeping in touch.
I believe we all have a capacity, an internal counter, a measure that is called 'moderation' (a family thing!). We can only cope with a certain number of anything. You don't need me to tell you what happens when you scoff too many doughnuts! I believe we're reaching our inner capacity where the internet is concerned. It's such a useful resource when used wisely but we do need an idiot's guide. How many times you have wanted to go out, looked for somewhere to go and 2 hours later decided there's no time left?! I'm looking forward to the next generation of emails and internet ;-) We don't want to get to a point where we fear our inboxes because they have taken over our lives. With twitter, websites, texting, facebook, email accounts and more 'apps' than you can shake a cyber stick at, we have to become more cyber-savvy.
It's so exciting that there is always something new but let's not forget making time for real friends, real conversation and real life. Remember, cyberspace should enhance our daily lives and experiences because as the best tool ever invented, it's got such great potential. But... and there's always a but.. it's also worth remembering that it's a money making machine. Even less than cynical little me knows that big brother is closer now than he's ever been. It's likely he's already here and able to watch every move we make. That's the flip side of this communication hungry, cappuccino indulged, cyber world. There is a flip side to everything in this world. We just have to ensure that we benefit from the fluffy, bubbly bit on the top of the cappuccino rather than drowning in the dark, molten layer that is hidden beneath! YOU have been warned.. !
ps and if you were wondering what SOW refers to, it's switch off wednesday! Yeah, dream on.. though, perhaps a switch off during certain hours will happen in the future...?
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Deli-licious day out!

Someone's a star...
Sunday, 4 October 2009
It's about the view... it's not all about YOU!

Famous words from someone sitting not very far away to me ;-) Though she was referring to herself at the time. We went for a walk today to take a photograph of the view of where I live, from up the hill. Trouble was, the leaves are still stuck to the trees so we couldn't even see the Mill, let alone where I live. It was a good walk though and gave us an appetite for supper. Another glass of fizz, finished off the bottle from last night, and baked a Vacherin Mont d'Or, bought from my new favourite deli in Tetbury. This is a special cheese only available mid Sept to March. It's made using winter milk from cows brought down from their pastures and it comes wrapped in a circle of birch strip, and enclosed in a pine box. Yummy..
Don't you wish..

A Strictly Yummy Bouquet...

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