Friday 23 October 2009

Just had a haggis moment!

We've just been Into a Scottish eatery to sample the local fare. I'd try anything off the menu as long as it came with whiskey gravy, yum! I didn't know you could have veggie haggis until today. No idea what it as made of but it tasted yummy on a bed of mash & turnips. Had to follow that with crannach which is porridge, cream, raspberries & guess what... Whiskey! It did feel as if I was following lunch with breakfast & the oaty texture is a bit weird but it tasted yummy! Just got to the apartment which is on the Royal Mile so the girls are deciding what adventures we can go n whilst were here. So far, it's all ghost tours, underground tunnels with lots of stairs & graveyard tours! Me thinks not! Drizzling here so were doing people watching & someone will be nominated to pop over the road in a minute to visit Oddbins!

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