Elegant, yet welcoming, peaceful, yet with a gentle buzz, here's the waiting area for the spa treatments. And when you've done, you can lie in a lovely room to rest and remember how it feels to be unstressed, calm and chilled, mmm.

Isn't this the most awesome pool every?! Stainless steel, roof top jacuzzi - it's worth getting up at 4am to be able to have an experience like this. I think it would be fabulous in the evening when it's snowing and chilly outside but beautifully hot inside. It's definitely the best pool I've ever been to. Even having to wade through the main pool and through the flappy plastic bits, you know like you used to get in Quicksave between the proper shop and the chill area, didn't put me off. Once you get outside the view is amazing and it just feels incredible to be in a hot tub on the roof. Truely 'One' of the best experiences ever ;-)

I've spent the morning at One-Spa in Edinburgh & I can thoroughly recommend it - it's amazing!! The stainless steel roof top jacuzzi pool that's heated to 37 degrees is... Awesome! Everyone is friendly & helpful, even my 4am start seems a distant memory. Every girl should be pampered & I feel thoroughly chilled & a tad sleepy now it's all over. Ginger & the girls are heading over to find me so I don't get lost trying to find the apartment we've rented for the weekend. I'm just relaxing with my beery juice smoothie which I'd have to admit, resembles a glass of liquid mud, mmm, nice!
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